Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Welcome to my personal pulpit.

In the days to come, I will post certain observations and opinions which I have long held. I am doing this to find out, first, if I am the only one who has these opinions (I don't think so), and second, to connect with those who share a similar view. Some of what I say will, no doubt, be controversial, but not more so than the things being said each day by the 10+ billion human tongues now wagging on Earth. Since it takes a long time and much thought in order to say anything meaningful, I warn you that I'll probably take a while to say all that I have to say.


Anonymous said...

Who are you?
Do you have a name?

TH in SoC said...

I am an "evangelical expat." That is, although I am evangelical in my theology, I have been turned off by many of the things now being practiced in the evangelical community. If you want to know what why that is so, my other posts give more information. Hope this helps.